Monday, November 18, 2013

New "L" Program Approved for Region 8

 Eastern New York Dressage and Combined Training Association has been approved to host a complete L Program, Part 1 and Part 2 . Below are the dates, locations and instructors. Please contact the organizer Krystal Wilt for more information or to register.

Part 1:
Session A; February 22-23rd, 2014; Amsterdam, NY; Instructor- Lois Yukins
Session B; March 29-30th, 2014; Amsterdam, NY; Instructor-William Solyntjes
Session C; May 3-4th, 2014; Amsterdam, NY; Instructor-Gary Rockwell

Part 2:
Session D1; June14-15th, 2014; Saugerties, NY; Instructor-William Solyntjes
Session D2; August 16-17th, 2014; Saugerties, NY; Instructor-Maryal Barnett
Final Exam; October11-12th, 2014; Gales Ferry, CT; Examiners- Lois Yukins, Gary Rockwell

 If you have any questions regarding the "L" education program please email or call 859 971-7039.

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