Thursday, December 8, 2011

Use of Half Points

Attention "L" Grads and "L" Grads with Distinction

Please note that as of December 1st, 2011, per USEF Rule DR 122.8, half points (.5) for movements and collective marks may be used at the discretion of the judge. Please remind your scribe to record all scores, with a decimal point (i.e. as 6.0 instead of 6). We need your help in correctly recording scores for all involved. If the scores are not entered as required the competition office may have to return the sheets to be completed. We need your help in correctly recording scores for all involved, the judge(s), competition management and the competitor.

Thank you for all you do for the sport of dressage!


Anonymous said...

i would like to ask if any region is hosting part 1 of the l program. i may have missed it but i could not find such event. thank you.

LProgramLiaison said...

Thank you for your comment! We do not have any Part 1s scheduled at this time. We have heard of some interest so hope to receive the applications soon. I will post any new programs as soon as they are approved. We depend on local organizers to host these educational events, so it may help to let your local Dressage Group know you are interested in attending such a program.