Monday, February 14, 2011

"L" Program Materials ready to update

The 2011 USDF “L” Participant flash drive/updates are now available! The new flash drive provides more information and enhanced handouts that more closely follow the teaching presentations. You’ll also notice changes in the materials based upon the new USEF 2011 tests and updates to the USEF Rule Book.

The USDF “L” Participant Flash drive is available for purchase through the through the USDF store, by those participating in the “L” Program or who have successfully graduated from the program


All current “L” Participants/Candidates are responsible for bringing the 2011 updated materials to their “L” Program sessions.

Current “L” Participant Flash drive owners may access the updates by inserting their flash drive into a computer with internet access.

Current “L” Participant Binder owners: It is highly recommended that you replace the materials within Session A, B, C, D1&2, Final Exam and Homework sections of your binder. For the ease of staying up to date on the “L” Program material, it is recommended that you consider purchasing the “L” Participant Flash drive. The USDF “L” Participant Flash drive when inserted, into a computer with internet access, will automatically update the materials. The USDF “L” Flash drive is available through the USDF Store.

If you have purchased the hard copy binder and would like to download the 2011 “L” Program materials, for a limited time only the 2011 USDF “L” Participant Flash drive will be accessible through the USDF website, at You do need to log in to the website to access the “L” Participant Flash drive. Once you’ve successfully logged in click on “Education” then “Forms & Documents” the “L” Participant Flash drive/binder link is located on the left hand side.

*The hard copy version of the USDF “L” Participant materials will no longer be available for purchase. Starting with the 2011 edition only the USDF “L” Participant Flash drive will be sold through the USDF store.

If you have any questions or for more information on the 2011 "L" Program Flash drive please contact us at

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