Monday, January 26, 2009

Region 3 - Part 1 Approved!

The Georgia Dressage & CTA will be hosting a Part 1 in 2009, with organizer Denice Kludt.

Below are the dates, locations and instructors:

Session A; March 14-15, 2009; Alpharetta, GA with Marilyn Heath

Session B; May 9-10, 2009; Alpharetta, GA with Betsy Berrey

Session C; July 25-26, 2009; Alpharetta, GA with Gary Rockwell

Session D1; **September 19-20, 2009; Hamilton, GA with Marilyn Heath
** Updated since program was approved.

Contact Denice at or me at
Also check out the educational calendar at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Definite rumblings for another "L" Program

Okay, I know it has been awhile and I apologize. Many of you have contacted me about what, if anything, is happening in the way of new programs.

Well, I do have news for you. USDF received an host application from a GMO in Region 3, specifically Georgia. Currently, I am working with the GMO and potential organizer to get some details ironed out but I have hopes to share the news soon.

It would, if approved, start soon (March). If you are interested in the Region 3 program keep your eye out on this blog, the USDF calendar (specifically Region 3) and contact me for updates.

If this rumbling of a program still doesn't help you out contact me and I'll share some ideas to get a program started. You can also check out a previous post on this blog...think it was called "All dressed up and no where to go?"

Contact with any questions or concerns

Neat Article

Just wanted to share a neat article I noticed on the internet about the future of judging. It originated through EuroDressage...

You can read it by going to,, or click on the title of this blog.

Posted January 18th, 2009
Article Title "Future of Judging"
Author: Wayne Channon

Please keep in mind that the link/article will eventually be outdated.