Monday, February 25, 2013

Time to Update Your "L' Program Flash

The  2013 updates provide updated information, on-line homework, enhanced handouts and extra learning opportunities.

You will also notice changes in the materials based on the restructuring of the “A” Session and updates to the USEF Rule Book. 

The biggest changes include the on-line homework and the “L” Program on-line web site.  By following the link on the “L” Program flash drive front page you will enter a web site designed for and only available to the “L” Program Participants, Candidates and Graduates.

Candidates (those currently or previously enrolled in Part 2) and “L” Graduates will need to login using their USDF Login information to access the Part 2 forms and documents. 

As always, if you have any questions or problems,please feel free to contact me.

Sharon Vander Ziel
L Program Liaison

Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Part 2 in Region 1

Potomac Valley Dressage Association with organizer Jocelyn Pearson has been approved to host  a Part 2 with the following  dates/locations/shows/instructors.

5/18-19/2013; PVDA Spring Show (Morven Park); Leesburg VA
Instructor: Marilyn Heath


7/6-7/2013; PVDA Summer Showdown; Upper Marlboro, MD
Instructor: William Solyntjes

Final Exam
8/31-9/1/2013; NCDCTA Labor of Love, Raleigh, NC
Examiners: William Solyntjes, Axel Steiner 

For more information or to apply contact  Jocelyn Pearson