Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a holiday season full of warm memories, family and friends!!

From the USDF "L" Program and Faculty

The USDF office will be closed December 22nd - 26th and January 1st- 2nd.

Brief Updates about the "L" Program

Convention was a jam-packed week, as those that attended can attest too. It was also very productive for the "L" Program. The "L" Faculty had an extremely productive meeting. Several ideas are being developed and will be moving towards being approved and implemented.

Below are a couple of the proposed ideas, briefly described:

1. Proposed program format change so that Part 1 includes Sessions A, B and C. Then Part 2 would include Sessions D1, D2 and the Final Exam.

2. Proposed opening up Part 1, following the above proposed format change, to all those interested in attending but that may not have the score prerequisites. Those prerequisites would still stand for participating in Part 2.

I'll share with you the new updates and ideas as they are finalized.

There were a few rumblings about "L" Programs being organized that were shared during convention. The general area where most of the interest is centered around Region 1 and 3. I hope to be able to share with you, very soon, approved "L" Programs for those interested.

Any questions and updates on potential programs, contact me at