Monday, April 20, 2009

Time Flies...

Well, where did the time go? It feels like we just had the USDF Annual Convention and now the Executive Board Spring meeting has just finished up. Yikes! I thought I had more time and now I find we are into Spring. I'd, personally, like to file a complaint about the clocks picking up speed, which is grossly unfair. When I find out who to file the complaint with I'll get that right out. ;-)

Well, the "L" Program has been actively updating the teaching material and handouts. Some of you may have noticed as you've been the ones to see and hear the new revised material at the last few sessions. And the "L" Binder has been updated for the 2009 year. I am working with organizers and our USDF Marketing department to get the word out. Soon you should be getting a notice from me.

I'll be back soon to share some more notices and updates about the "L" Program.

As always feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns,

Enjoy Spring!!

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